Tipo de alimentación y severidad del acné: Estudio de casos y controles en un centro de referencia en Colombia.
Plaza Arteaga, Nathalia Elena
Acne is one of the main dermatological consultations. The severity and response to treatment can be affected by various primary or secondary factors such as diet, this association has been very controversial. Objective: To evaluate the influence of the type of diet and the severity of acne in men treated at a reference institution in Colombia. Methods: Case-control study. The data was taken from patients of the Hospital Universitario Centro Dermatológico Federico Lleras Acosta E.S.E. Bogotá, through a validated survey on the type of diet in men between the ages of 10 and 22 in the second half of 2019. A univariate statistical analysis was carried out with measures of central tendency and dispersion or absolute frequencies and proportions. In the bivariate, Chi squared tests and Fisher's exact test for categorical variables. The confidence level is 95%. Odds ratio (OR) was calculated and logistic regression was applied to estimate the adjusted RD. Results: Association is evidenced as risk factors for pasta consumption (OR 3,259; 95% CI 1,370-7,753; p <0.05), age (OR 1,229; 95% CI 1,087-1,389; p <0.05 ) and association as protective factors: Socioeconomic stratum (OR 0.365; 95% CI 0.140-0.953; p <0.05. Conclusions: this study showed a possible association between the high consumption of paste and the severity of acne, as well as the age, prospective cohort and intervention studies are recommended to explore whether a causal relationship could be obtained.