Dionisos contra Sócrates. Una interpretación ética de El nacimiento de la tragedia
Gomez Zapata, Samuel
This paper seeks to delve into an ethical interpretation of the birth of tragedy that opens the discussion towards the conquest of a terrain from which one can ask about an ethics different from that of Socratic origin. To do this, this paper will seek to promote an ethical interpretation of the forces of artistic creation of the Apollonian and the Dionysian from the metaphysical subsoil of the will that Schopenhauer works in The world as will and representation; Later, this interpretive and evaluative framework of the pair will be used to confront it with the Socratic tendency or "theoretical conception of life" as Nietzsche calls it, in order to reveal the difficulties that are deduced from this confrontation and the need for its requirement. From there, it will seek to move towards tragedy and the tragic as elements conducive to a revaluation that sees in art as the supreme value the possibility of a different ethic, which uses concepts such as excess, pathos, destiny, heteronomy. and experimentation so that in their confrontation with the classic concepts of Socratic ethics (moderation, prudence, reflection, autonomy) they propitiate the opening of a path towards a civilizational divergence with respect to the world vision established by the theoretical vision of the world.