dc.creatorMéndez Romero, Rafael Alberto
dc.creatorGauthier-Umaña, Valérie
dc.creatorSuavita, Maria Angelica
dc.description.abstractIn the context of a pedagogical innovation project of the Universidad del Rosario, the specific needs of the School of Human Sciences were initially addressed to incorporate different spaces where the students of some programs of this School could learn mathematics and explain their use in each one of the sub-disciplines. After these needs were collected, the course in question was designed and developed and is currently in an evaluation and sustainability stage. Traditionally, mathematics has been part of the factors of dropout in Colombian Higher Education. There is also the imaginary that mathematics turns out to be useless in different disciplines. As an institutional effort, we have proposed technology-mediated innovations that bring students closer to the applicability of what they have learned (from the mathematical context) to break down these beliefs that lead to obstacles in the learning of mathematics. The subject of 'mathematical ideas' is aimed at students of programs that do not have a mathematical focus. In this sense, it seeks to enable an approach, a reunion environment, and in some cases 'reconciliation' with mathematics. In class, basic concepts are addressed with important applications in everyday life, in order to have a more critical view of situations that involve using mathematics. That is, the use of mathematics as a tool to analyze and make decisions that positively impact their lives and society. In addition, there is a series of virtual support activities that have proved to be very useful as a complement to face-to-face classes and in accompanying the student's extra class work, that is, using a blended-based learning methodology. There is constant discussion about the implications of knowing how to use mathematics and the responsibility that this entails, always focusing on a use, let's say, fair. In this way we work in the formation of mathematically critical citizens, an idea that is closely related to what Paul Ernest (2002) names as 'critical mathematical citizenship'. On the other hand, students learn through projects facilitated by the teacher, where they can solve real tensions in society. With this, we seek to raise the levels of social sensitivity of our students, in the mobilization of content and skills for the solution of real problems. In this communication we will show the motivations that allowed the creation of the subject. We will describe in detail the scope of the course, the use of different disruptive methodologies and virtual scenarios, and a reflection from qualitative perspectives (through a case study), which gives prominence to the voice of students who have taken the course. There is evidence of the positive effect of this subject in front of the imaginaries that students had about mathematics. Students who have taken this course have been empowered and managed to mobilize the contents and skills learned for the solution of real problems that they have detected and modeled, and that they have solved with the use of mathematics. This is based on a project that works from the beginning of the course and that is nurtured as it progresses. Then, the results of their research are made public in the framework of the Pi Day, an activity that seeks to give visibility to mathematics within the university, and that allows them to connect with their intrinsic motivations.
dc.publisherWorld Future Forum 2019
dc.relationWorld Future Forum 2019 (2019); 12 pp.
dc.relationWorld Future Forum 2019
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.sourceWorld Future Forum 2019
dc.sourceinstname:Universidad del Rosario
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Institucional EdocUR
dc.titleThe 'Mathematical Ideas' course as an Innovation Project for Critical Mathematical Citizens

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