Disfunción sexual femenina 6 meses postparto y su relación con la episiotomía en dos hospitales de IV nivel en Bogotá, 2020
Rivera García, Laura Natalia
Burgos Gutiérrez, Andrés Ricardo
Sexual function varies considerably after delivery, highlighting dyspareunia as one of the main symptoms in patients. Different triggers for female sexual dysfunction have been documented, including episiotomy. The main objective is to evaluate sexual function in postpartum women who underwent episiotomy, comparing these results with those obtained in women not exposed to this procedure, in two University Hospitals in Bogotá, Colombia (Hospital Universitario Mayor Méderi and Hospital Universitario Clínica San Rafael ). Descriptive retrospective study; Data will be collected about the sexual function of patients with a history of vaginal delivery, by conducting a survey applied 6 months postpartum. The information will be collected in a database created by the researchers after reviewing the medical records, based on specific inclusion criteria and the analysis will be carried out taking into account other possible variables associated with this outcome. Conclusion We found that within our research and the population of selected patients, sexual dysfunction had a frequency of 41.6% regardless of the affected factor. Performing episiotomy during the second period of labor did not have a statistically significant association with low IFSF scores indicating sexual dysfunction. We found that there is a significant trend between greater height and the performance of the episiotomy, without being of clinical importance. The prevalence of episiotomy in our institutions is not different from those reported in the literature. More studies are required to assess the relationship of childbirth itself to female sexual function.