Factores relacionados con mortalidad en trauma abdominal penetrante. Hospital de Kennedy, 2018 - 2020
Bernal Beltrán, Andrés Felipe
Alvarado Valenzuela, Kelly Dayane
Violence in Colombia is an emerging problem. although with the recent peace process the rate of homicides and violent deaths had decreased; now, new actors appear that perpetuate the problem; Among these, the emerging migration of Venezuelans to Colombia, the appearance of new groups outside the law and the consequent common crime that is linked to these problems. Data from the institute of legal medicine also mention that the most used causal mechanism in lethal violence is the firearm projectile; and the second most used causal mechanism to kill both women and men is the stab wound, which makes penetrating trauma an important cause of death in the country. The Kennedy hospital is a level III hospital, corresponding to the southwestern subnetwork of the city, being the second in number of potential inhabitants to be treated in the capital district, additionally a center with a high volume of patients with penetrating trauma. The present work will contribute to the study of the factors related to mortality in penetrating abdominal trauma, the sociodemographic, clinical and surgical characteristics of the population will be described. By identifying these characteristics and the factors that are related to mortality, it will be possible later to early evaluate the outcome of the patients, appropriately direct the resources of the institution and establish statistics on the population.