Masa ósea de la columna lumbar y cadera en pacientes diagnosticados con artritis reumatoidea: prevalencia y factores asociados
Bartolomeu Zúñiga, Manuel Ernesto
BACKGROUND. Osteoporosis (OP) is a disease that affects the skeleton of the bone and produces a series of alterations where the result is a decrease in bone mass that ultimately results in an increase in bone fragility, with the consequent tendency to fracture. OBJECTIVE. To determine the prevalence of the degree of bone demineralization, measured by the DXA technique (dual X-ray absorptiometry, bone densitometry) in the lumbar spine and hip, in a population of women between the ages of 45 and 75, diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis ( AR), that meet the EULAR / ACR criteria and thus be able to determine its possible relationship with the clinical and demographic factors of the patients to be studied. METHODOLOGY. Cross-sectional analytical observational study in 278 patients treated at the IPS Riesgo de Fractura S.A. CAYRE, in the city of Bogotá. The prevalence of bone demineralization, the prevalence or disparity ratio (RP) and the 95% confidence intervals (CI) were estimated, applying the logistic regression model to control for confounding variables. RESULTS. A prevalence of bone demineralization or low bone density was found in 17% of the sample and when calculating each of the vertebrae separately, a prevalence was observed in L1: 24%, L2: 23%, L3: 37%, L4 : 37% and hip: 29%. The variables that presented statistical significance in the bivariate analysis were included in the multivariate analysis, these were, age between 45 to 60 years with a RP of 9.09 with 95% CI between 3.78 and 29.67 and the normal value of the DAS28 scale with a RP of 3.49 with a 95% CI between 1.17 and 10.41, accepting its association as risk factors that influence bone demineralization. DISCUSSION. In the present study, a low prevalence of demineralization was found, compared to that reported in the literature.