dc.contributorPulido Castelblanco, Angela Patricia
dc.creatorGutierrez, Natalia Andrea
dc.creatorMartinez, Camila Andrea
dc.creatorVega, Dana Valentina
dc.description.abstractSainchi life S. A. S is a company that will be dedicated to the production and commercialization of food based on Sacha inchi and will be established in Bogotá, Colombia. The purpose of the company is to offer healthy products that contribute to the improvement of people`s eating habits and provide health benefits by fighting and preventing various diseases. On the other hand, being able to encourage and increase sacha inchi crops in the country by providing benefits to farmers through employment. It is important to highlight that the opportunities for development and growth in the market with this input are enough to be a little known and exploited seed. Of 197 countries, only 3 countries have the climate and land suitable for cultivation, finding Colombia, Peru and Mexico, highlighting a low existence of national and international competitors that handle products based on it. On the other hand, the demand for organic products is becoming stronger and therefore there are wide markets where you can enter with foods like these. Sainchi life will launch to the market butters based on spreadable sacha inchi, which will have a presentation in glass jars of 229 ml. These butters will have 2 different flavors: honey and chocolate. The target market is made up of people from 18 to 50 years old in the city of Bogotá, with incomes over $ 1, 300, 000 per month, of medium-high and high social level, with a healthy lifestyle and / or exercise and seek to complement Your nutrition with healthy foods. These products will be distributed mainly in health food stores, gyms, sports stores, restaurants selling healthy food and will also be marketed through the website and on social networks such as Instagram. A market study was carried out using the Descriptive method, performing an analysis and interpretation regarding surveys, opinion polls, focus groups and in-depth interviews. Which resulted in determining the acceptance and willingness that people would have to buy them. In addition, the observation technique was taken into account, which allowed a more detailed analysis of the reality of the market in which the product is to be introduced. The interviews that were carried out were oral testimonies to 10 people with which information was obtained to detect the different problems that there were when starting with the company and the survey itself which allowed to carry out the market analysis to a certain degree determine the demand of sacha inchi butter. It is necessary to make investment in exhibitions, advertising and sampling in the physical points of sale to stimulate the purchase and make known the brand along with its products and thus achieve in a short time having a place in the minds of consumers. The marketing objectives are focused on positioning the brand in the market, increasing participation in the medium term and increasing sales volume in a journey of approximately 5 years. The managing business group will be made up of Danna Valentina Vega student of International Business Administration, Natalia Andrea Gutiérrez student of Administration in logistics and production and Camila Andrea Martínez student of International Business Administration, who will fulfill the work of managing and capital partners and will be linked Labor to the company. This group has great strengths such as commitment, teamwork and a successful business vision. Regarding this entrepreneurship project, it has been highlighted that it is a very united group capable and committed to the growth of the business idea, always making decisions together. Sainchi life requires an initial investment for the business of $ 35, 000, 000 of which the managing group will contribute the total amount.
dc.publisherUniversidad del Rosario
dc.publisherAdministrador de negocios internacionales
dc.publisherFacultad de administración
dc.rightsAbierto (Texto Completo)
dc.rightsEL AUTOR, manifiesta que la obra objeto de la presente autorización es original y la realizó sin violar o usurpar derechos de autor de terceros, por lo tanto la obra es de exclusiva autoría y tiene la titularidad sobre la misma. PARGRAFO: En caso de presentarse cualquier reclamación o acción por parte de un tercero en cuanto a los derechos de autor sobre la obra en cuestión, EL AUTOR, asumirá toda la responsabilidad, y saldrá en defensa de los derechos aquí autorizados; para todos los efectos la universidad actúa como un tercero de buena fe. EL AUTOR, autoriza a LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ROSARIO, para que en los términos establecidos en la Ley 23 de 1982, Ley 44 de 1993, Decisión andina 351 de 1993, Decreto 460 de 1995 y demás normas generales sobre la materia, utilice y use la obra objeto de la presente autorización. -------------------------------------- POLITICA DE TRATAMIENTO DE DATOS PERSONALES. Declaro que autorizo previa y de forma informada el tratamiento de mis datos personales por parte de LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ROSARIO para fines académicos y en aplicación de convenios con terceros o servicios conexos con actividades propias de la academia, con estricto cumplimiento de los principios de ley. Para el correcto ejercicio de mi derecho de habeas data cuento con la cuenta de correo habeasdata@urosario.edu.co, donde previa identificación podré solicitar la consulta, corrección y supresión de mis datos.
dc.rightsAtribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia
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dc.sourceinstname:Universidad del Rosario
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Institucional EdocUR
dc.titleTrabajo emprendimiento Sacha Inchi

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