Validez de la traducción al español y adaptación transcultural de la versión en inglés de la escala de apreciación corporal BAS-2 en atletas de la Universidad del Rosario
Tibasosa Oñate, Paola Tatiana
Introduction: It is necessary in Colombia to have instruments that allow determining the body appreciation of athletes, in order to have a prior evaluation and identification of possible alterations because the positive body image of athletes is a variable that is associated with confidence in the athlete. sport, flow state and subjective sport performance (Campos et al., 2011). Objective: To determine the appearance validity of the BA2 body appreciation questionnaire in athletes from the Universidad del Rosario for the translation into Spanish and the cross-cultural adaptation of the English version. Materials and methods: This research is an instrumental descriptive study, where the cross-cultural adaptation to Spanish was carried out, such as: translation, assessment of conceptual equivalence by seven experts on the content, synthesis of observations, obtaining the agreement index to establish the weighted weights of each item and the applicability of the instrument to 40 people to determine its understandability. Results: the appearance validity of the bas-2 body appreciation scale instrument, I seek to establish agreement between seven experts requesting independently to evaluate its sufficiency, coherence and clarity, the kappa value obtained for the expert judgment was 0.94%; subsequently, 95.7% of comprehensibility was obtained. Conclusions: The version adapted to Spanish of the BAS-2 body appreciation was obtained, supported by the validity of appearance and understandability, preserving the semantic, idiomatic and conceptual equivalence in relation to the original version.