Una aproximación a La Guardia Albi Roja Sur más allá del estereotipo: organización socioespacial, tránsitos y transiciones en las Tribunas Sur y Oriental del Estadio Nemesio Camacho El Campín
Mayorga Gaona, Angélica Natalia
Much has been said in Colombia about the violence or criminal behavior of football barras (organized fan groups). Mass media, State, Police and outsiders to the context of barrismo express opinions that, in general, do not detach from the idea of violence that increasingly does not reflect the reality of Colombian grandstands. This thesis does not attempt to deny the violence that one might experience in stadiums. It intends to reach out – beyond stereotypes that homogenize barrista practices and dynamics – to Santa Fe’s barra, La Guardia Albi Roja Sur (LGARS), to describe its sociospatial organization. We carried out participant observation in the southern and western stands of El Campín Stadium, four semistructured interviews, audiovisual recordings and documentary review, which included social media, printed press and legislation. In this manner, this study suggests – on the one hand – that LGARS has a well-defined political, social and spatial organization and – on the other hand – states that this organization becomes dynamic through transit between grandstands (mobility routes between the stands of the Nemesio Camacho El Campín stadium). These moves, in turn, provoke transitions (a change in the “being” of the hincha (fan) or in the sociospatial structure of the destination stands).