Deleuze: criticar, construir, seleccionar. Ensayo sobre el plano de inmanencia y las imágenes del pensamiento
Villegas Restrepo, Simón
In this text, I ask myself if there is one or there are many images of thought for Deleuze. My starting point is his critique of the dogmatic image of thought in Difference and Repetition. I then explore the “alternatives” given by Deleuze: The new image of thought and imageless thought. I do this with the premise that Deleuze engages with the image of thought to construct his philosophy’s plane of immanence. This construction crosses three dimensions that reconcile both “alternatives,” namely the dimensions of signs (Proust), forces (Nietzsche), and sense or events. The plane’s perspective makes it possible to address the question of one or many images regarding variation in thought. Reading Bergsonism, I try to interpret the plane's variation as the qualitative change of the One – All, i. e., as pure Time in thought.