Anatomía del Acuerdo de Escazú, una herramienta para proteger el medioambiente
Muñoz Ávila, Lina
Abultaif Kadamani, Amira
"Resting stone” or “place of hedges”. These are the two meanings of Escazú, the name of the canton of San José, capital of Costa Rica, where negotiations were held that resulted in the adoption of the Escazú Agreement in March 2018. This contemplates the effective implementation of three essential rights—access to information, participation, and justice, all in environmental matters— as well as the protection of the social leaders who are dedicated to this effort. Although the tradition of international law entails that treaties take the name of the place where they are materialized, it would not seem to be a mere coincidence that the etymology of the word has nature in its essence. Something similar happened to Lina Muñoz Ávila, who almost instinctively incorporated the environment into her professional, personal, and political sphere to reconfigure her very being.