A Theoretical and Methodological Review on the Study of Culture in Labor Organizations
Arias-Sánchez, Samuel
Objectives: We aim to analyze the conceptualization of organizational culture from a theoretical point of view, towhat extent it relates to other relevant organizational variables and what problems and dilemmas appear at a methodologicallevel in different publications. Methodology: Through the review of specialized manuals and the mostrecent publications on this concept, we reflect on some of the essential elements considered in its definition, and we describe their importance based on its relationship with other organizational constituents. Main results: We have detected multiple research that relates the culture of an organization to the work environment; the satisfaction and performance of employees; their desire to leave, and even its impact on the company's income statement. We alsoreflect on the advantages and disadvantages of the two main methodological approaches as well as in the currently most important open debates on research in these subjects. Conclusions: Organizational culture is a very complexconcept of difficult definition and measurement that presents multiple problems for researchers and managers, but which is crucial in various business processes and in the success of companies that learn to manage it properly.