Prueba empírica de un modelo asociativo de recuerdo de marcas publicitarias con datos de mercado real
Pérez-Acosta, Andrés M.
This research tested a quantitative model of the cognitive association betweenbrands and products, proposed by Perez-Acosta (2005b). Normally theassociationist models in academic marketing and consumer psychology arebased on experimental results with simulated brands and products, whichassures internal validity but not external validity. Predictions of thequantitative model was compared to the results in memory (?top of mind?)and recognition tests of five brands of universities in Talca (Maule, Chile)made by students of high school, near to enter into the pregraduate studies.Correct predictions were obtained on three institutions (Universidad deTalca, Universidad Autónoma del Sur and Universidad Santo Tomás).In general, model?s variable that better predicts is order-of-entry, accordingto which pioneering brands will normally have advantage on the followingones arriving at the market