Ley 599 de 2000 (julio 24): Por el cual se expide el Código Penal
Registro en:
Sintura Varela, Francisco Jose
Bernate Ochoa, Francisco
Freedom of expression is a complex issue. This work tries to approach it from the legal point of view in a simple and pleasant language. The crime of injury - in the light of real cases - occupies a prominent place in the book. Freedom of expression in privately owned media is also analyzed, the jurisprudential guidelines applicable to the social, criminal and civil responsibility of journalists in Colombia are exposed, and current issues are discussed, such as the legality of content aggregations. -also called press clipping-, dishonorable online accusations, hate speech and the freedom to express themselves in morally problematic ways. It is aimed at journalists, lawyers, political scientists and, in general, at all people who want to know more about the confrontation between freedom of information and opinion, and the rights to honor, good name and image.