Accidentes laborales por riesgo biológico en trabajadores de laboratorio clínico. Yopal, Colombia 2016 - 2018
Ochoa Gelvez, Edwin Omar
Introduction: Clinical laboratory workers were permanent risk to have an accident occupational for exposure to biohazard. Those accidents can cause bloodborne infections such as (HIV, HBV or HCV). Objective: To describe the behavior of accidents for exposure to biohazard, characteristics of injured workers and report accident occupational in Yopal, Casanare clinical laboratory from 2016 to 2018, Methods: Observational descriptive study with exploratory component includes workers and clinical laboratory manager surveys and review report formats accident occupational (FURAT), with exploration related factors. Results: global participation clinical laboratory was 82,3% (14/17), the response rate of questionary for workers was 91,9% (114/124). We estimate an occupational accidentality for period of 24,6% (28/114) (IC 95% 16.7 – 32.5) and an underreporting of 39,3% (11/28) (IC 95% 21.3 – 57.3). The principal reasons for not reporting were perceived lack of time (45.4%) and not consider exposure important (36.4%). Being hired for service time (RP= 0,19; IC95% 0,04 – 0,89, p =0,034) and always use the personal protective equipment RP= 0,14; IC (95%) 0,02 – 0,88; p =0,036 these were associated with the probability of to have fewer accidents occupational. Discussion: Accident statistics in Yopal clinical laboratories reflect the need to systematically reorganize risk management strategies based on the human factor, organizational culture and control mechanisms.