Processes of Adhesion and Rejection of Media Speech about Argentine Audiovisual Communication Services Law
Galeano Alfonso, Silvana
From Pierre Bourdieu's concept of symbolic domination and his theory of practices, regarding the way of linking the social and the subjective aspects of Castoriadis, we address the subjective conditions involved in the processes of adhesion and rejection of media discourse with respect to the Audiovisual Communication Services Law, 26 522, sanctioned in 2009 in Argentina. We qualitatively analyzed a corpus of articles from the online newspapers Clarín and La Nación linked to the comments that their audiences left in them. We observed that by reactivating legitimated senses and acquired dispositions, the media offered identification poles, expectations, and objects of rejection in which the audiences were able to recognize-ignore and confirm their subjectivity. Disputing the notion of democracy, journalism, and freedom of expression achieved adhesion to their discourse and consequently to their particular interests.