dc.contributorJurado, Gloria
dc.contributorGarcia Sanchez, Lilia Virginia
dc.contributorJurado, Gloria
dc.creatorEscalante Molano, José Ventura
dc.creatorPedraza Fernández, Jazmín Lucero
dc.creatorMartínez Sarmiento, Mayda Lucía
dc.publisherEscuela de Medicina y Ciencias de la Salud
dc.rightsBloqueado (Texto referencial)
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dc.sourceSeventh International Congress on Therapeutic Riding. Aarhus, Denmark. Available from the Danish Sports Organization for the Disabled, Idraettens Hus, Brondby Stadion 20, DK 2605 Brondby - Denmark. Telephone +45 42 45 55 55. Papers in English. 1991.
dc.sourceEighth International Congress on Therapeutic Riding. Hamilton, New Zealand. Available from RDA Monograph, National Training Resource Center, Private Bag 4004, LEVIN, New Zealand. Telephone 64 (6) 368 7159 x851. Fax orders 64 (6) 368 7131. (Phone and fax 24hrs/day; VISA, MC, Amex accepted.) Papers in English. 1994.
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dc.sourceCanTra Reference Library. Pamphlets and articles on file and available for copying at cost. Box 1055, Guelph, Ontario N1H 6J6, Canada. Telephone 519-767-0700.
dc.sourceBritish Horse Society: Riding and Training. Four films including Basic Paces and Dressage Movements Video #1118-2 Telephone: 1-800-553-7655
dc.sourceGLASOW, Barbara. Challenged Equestrians: The Use of the Horse for Special Populations. 1986. 18 minutes. Available from Winslow Therapeutic Riding Unlimited, Inc., 340 A South Rt 94, Warwick, NY 10990.
dc.sourceHODGES, Pippa, PT. Analysis of Horse and Human Movement. 1993. Available from CanTra, Box 1055,
dc.sourceGUELPH, Ontario, N1H 6J6, Canada. Telephone 519-767-0700.
dc.sourceThe Horse in Medicine. 1985. Translated, 26 minutes. Produced by the Kuratorium fur Therapeutisches Reiten, Germany. Available for rental from the Delta Society, 289 Perimeter Road East, Renton, WA 98055. Telephone 206-226-7357.
dc.sourceFrom The National Center for Equine Facilitated Therapy (N.C.E.F.T): 5001 Woodside Road, Woodside, CA 94062.
dc.sourceEquine Facilitated Therapy Program Safety and Emergency Procedures The Hippotherapy Horse The Therapy Horse-Moods, Behaviors & Instinctive Responses Alternatives to Backriding
dc.sourceFrom NARHA through AHA: P.O. Box 33150 Denver, CO 80233, Telephone 1-800-369-7433
dc.sourceBackriding Safety and Horse Welfare Selecting and Leading the Hippotherapy Horse
dc.sourceinstname:Universidad del Rosario
dc.sourcereponame:Repositorio Institucional EdocUR
dc.subjectParálisis cerebral
dc.titleCambios motrices en niños de 0 a 6 años con EMOC espástica que participan en un programa de equinoterapia

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