La leche y la sangre, el cuerpo y el espíritu: significaciones de lo corporal en La teta asustada, de Claudia Llosa
2020Registro en:
Signo y Pensamiento
Finol, José Enrique
Cabrejo Cobián, José Carlos
This work shows the results from a research on the film La teta asustada (2009) by the Peruvian director Claudia Llosa. An innovative approach is proposed for the analysis and interpretation of the film in order to highlight some aspects barely dealt with in the previous bibliography on this topic. We start with a principle stating that the body is an essential element in the semiotization of the world, an aspect extensively and intensively developed in this film. A proposal consisting of five types of corporeity (spatial, temporal, sexual, vegetal and vital) is proposed. They shape a specific sense of corporeity, a concept understood as a set of imageries associated with the body in a specific context and historic time.