dc.creatorSaltiel, Seth
dc.creatorMittal, Tushar
dc.creatorCrempien, Jorge G. F.
dc.creatorCampos Muñoz, Jaime
dc.identifierFrontiers in Earth Science September 2020 | Volume 8 | Article 373
dc.description.abstractFracture mechanics theory and seismological observations suggest that slip-rate is constantly changing during earthquake rupture, including dramatic acceleration from static conditions to high velocity sliding followed by deceleration and arrest. This slip history is partly determined by a complex frictional evolution, including overcoming peak friction, rapid weakening, and re-strengthening (or healing). Recent experimental developments have allowed friction evolution measurements under realistic slip histories reaching high co-seismic slip-rates of meters per second. Theoretical work has focused on describing the observed steady-state weakening at these high-velocities, but the transient behavior has only been fit by direct parameterizations without state variable dependence, needed to simulate arbitrary slip-histories. Commonly used forms of rate-state friction (RSF) are based on low-velocity, step-change experiments and have been shown to not fit the entire frictional evolution using a single set of realistic parameters. Their logarithmic form precludes zero fault slip-rate, assuming it is never truly static, thus does not capture slip initiation phenomena that might contribute to nucleation behavior. Inverting high slip-rate and friction data from different types of experiments, we show that RSF can work by using parameter ranges far from typical low-velocity values. In comparison, we introduce "bristle-state" friction (BSF) models, developed by control-system engineers to predict the transient frictional evolution during arbitrary stressing, especially reversals through static conditions. Although BSF models were also designed for low-velocities, we show that their form provides advantages for fitting frictional evolution measurements under high slip-rate, long-displacement, non-trivial slip histories, especially during the initial strengthening stage.
dc.publisherFrontiers Media
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceFrontiers in Earth Science
dc.subjectEarthquake nucleation
dc.subjectEarthquake rupture dynamics
dc.subjectFriction laws
dc.subjectTransient evolution
dc.subjectHigh-velocity experiments
dc.subjectState-variable models
dc.subjectSliding regimes
dc.title"Bristle-State" Friction: Modeling Slip Initiation and Transient Frictional Evolution From High-Velocity Earthquake Rupture Experiments
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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