dc.creatorSouza Vidal de Negreiros, Ana Cláudia
dc.creatorDidier Lins, Isis
dc.creatordas Chagas Moura, Márcio José
dc.creatorLópez Droguett, Enrique
dc.identifierReliability Engineering and System Safety.Vol.197: (2020): 106787
dc.description.abstractMaintenance-related decisions are often based on the expected number of interventions during a specified period of time. The proper estimation of this quantity relies on the choice of the probabilistic model that best fits reliability-related data. In this context, the q-Exponential probability distribution has emerged as a promising alternative. It can model each of the three phases of the bathtub curve; however, for the wear-out phase, its usage may become difficult due to the "monotone likelihood problem". Two correction methods (Firth's and resample-based) are considered and have their performances evaluated through numerical experiments. To aid the reliability analyst in applying the q-Exponential model, we devise a methodology involving original and corrected functions for point and interval estimates for the q-Exponential parameters and validation of the estimated models using the expected number of failures via Monte Carlo simulation and the bootstrapped Kolmogorov-Smirnov test. Two examples with failure data presenting increasing hazard rates are provided. The performances of the estimated q-Exponential, Weibull, q-Weibull and modified extended Weibull (MEW) models are compared. In both examples, the q-Exponential presented superior results, despite the increased flexibility of the q-Weibull and MEW distributions in modeling non-monotone hazard rates (e.g., bathtub-shaped).
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceReliability Engineering and System Safety
dc.subjectq-Exponential distribution
dc.subjectWear-out phase
dc.subjectMonotone likelihood
dc.subjectFirth's correction
dc.subjectResample correction
dc.titleReliability data analysis of systems in the wear-out phase using a (corrected) q-Exponential likelihood
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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