dc.creatorBarra Mac Donald, Flora de la
dc.creatorIrarrázaval Domínguez, Matías
dc.creatorValdés, Ana
dc.creatorSoto Brandt, Gonzalo
dc.identifierRev Panam Salud Publica 43, 2019
dc.description.abstractThis analysis reviews the situation of child and adolescent mental health in Chile, organizational determinants, and the initiatives and interventions implemented to enhance child development despite the country’s inequities. Progressive development of national mental health plans is covered, from the country’s first plan in 2000, to growing the number of mental health professionals and the training they receive, such as MhGAP, to the implementation of “Chile Crece Contigo,” whose preliminary evaluations are starting to show some effectiveness. However, the World Health Organization reports that progress in complying with the United Nations Convention of Children´s Rights is insufficient. A set off legislative initiatives on behalf of children and adolescents have been passed, while others are being discussed in Parliament. There is much to be done in the nation as a whole and within its health system to ensure improved child and adolescent mental health and wellbeing. More research into child and adolescent mental health should be undertaken. Adequate funding and policymaking are also crucial to giving priority to child and adolescent mental health in Chile.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceRevista Panamericana de Salud Pública
dc.subjectMental health services
dc.subjectChild health services
dc.subjectAdolescent health services
dc.subjectNational health programs
dc.titleEvolving child and adolescent mental health and development programs in Chile
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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