dc.creatorGarcía Otero, Laura
dc.creatorGómez, Olga
dc.creatorRodríguez López, Mérida
dc.creatorTorres, Ximena
dc.creatorSoveral, Iris
dc.creatorSepúlveda Martínez, Álvaro
dc.creatorGuirado, Laura
dc.creatorValenzuela Alcaraz, Brenda
dc.creatorLópez, Marta
dc.creatorMartínez, Josep María
dc.creatorGratacos, Eduard
dc.creatorCrispi, Fátima
dc.identifierFetal Diagnosis and Therapy Volumen: 47 Número: 5 Páginas: 387-398 May 2020
dc.description.abstractObjective: There is a need for standardized reference values for cardiac dimensions in prenatal life. The objective of the present study was to construct nomograms for fetal cardiac dimensions using a well-defined echocardiographic methodology in a low-risk population. Methods: This is a prospective cohort study including 602 low-risk singleton pregnancies undergoing a standardized fetal echocardiography to accurately assess fetal cardiac, ventricular, and atrial dimensions. Parametric regressions were tested to model each measurement against gestational age from 18 to 41 weeks of gestation. Results: Nomograms were constructed for fetal cardiac dimensions (transverse and longitudinal diameters and areas) of the whole heart, atria, and ventricles, as well as myocardial wall thicknesses. All dimensions showed a progressive increase with gestational age. The best model for most parameters was a second-degree linear polynomial. Fetal cardiac, ventricular, and atrial diameters and areas were successfully obtained in 98.6% of the fetuses, while myocardial wall thicknesses could be obtained in 96.5% of the population. The results showed excellent interobserver and intraobserver reproducibility (intraclass correlation coefficient, ICC > 0.811 and ICC > 0.957, respectively). Conclusions: We provide standardized and comprehensively evaluated reference values for fetal cardiac morphometric parameters across gestation in a low-risk population. These no mograms would enable the early identification of different patterns of fetal cardiac remodeling.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceFetal Diagnosis and Therapy
dc.subjectFetal heart
dc.subjectCongenital heart defects
dc.titleNomograms of Fetal Cardiac Dimensions at 18-41 Weeks of Gestation
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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