dc.creatorRodríguez Pesantes, Daniel
dc.creatorLodeiros, César
dc.creatorMárquez, Adrián
dc.creatorRevilla, Jormil
dc.creatorSonnenholzner, Stanislaus
dc.identifierAquaculture Research. 2020;00:1–10
dc.description.abstractMonoalgal and bialgal diet were tried in 2 stages of larval development ofStriostrea prismatica: phase I from mixotrofic to early umbonated veliger larva and phase II until eyespot larvae. The monoalgal diets in phase I wereTisochrysis lutea,Pavlova lutheriandNannochloropsissp. In phase II,Tetraselmis suecica,T. chuii,Chaetoceros gracilisandCh. muelleriwere incorporated. The bialgal diets (combination ofP. lutheri + Ch. gracilisin proportions 1:3, 1:1 and 3:1) were chosen according to the results of the monoalgal trials and were evaluated against the classic diet = control (T. lutea + Ch. gracilis). The microalgae size and their fatty acid composition were determined. We recommend the combinationT. lutea + Ch. gracilis, initially usingT. luteafor mixotrophic larvae (6 days Post Fertilization-PF), then incorporatingCh. gracilisin a ratio of 1:1 until completing phase I (8-10 PF). In phase II, the ratio should change to 1:3 until larvae with eyespot are obtained (18-20 PF). Suggestions were based on the higher demand for DHA in initial larvae and the need for EPA from the early umbonated phase. Finally, as a third experiment, microsubstrates (pieces of shells, sandpaper, polycarbonate and ground rubber) were evaluated to promote the settlement of pediveliger larvae. A settlement of 20% was obtained in pieces of shells of the same species. We consider that the settlement technology has not been optimized; therefore, evaluations directed at the behaviour of the species are recommended.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceAquaculture Research
dc.subjectBivalve molluscs
dc.subjectFatty acids
dc.subjectLarval growth
dc.subjectSubstrates metamorphosis
dc.subjectTropical Pacific Ocean
dc.titleMicroalgal diet evaluation in the larval development and substrate selection for settlement in the rock oysterStriostrea prismatica (Gray, 1825)
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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