dc.creatorFerrero, Leticia V.
dc.creatorCappa, Cristina E.
dc.creatorSaldaño, Hugo P.
dc.creatorGómez, Mercedes
dc.creatorRubio López, Mónica
dc.creatorGünthardt, Guillermo
dc.identifierMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Vol.496 (4), t 2020: 4239–4254
dc.description.abstractWe present a multiwavelength study of two Herbig-Haro (HH) objects (137 and 138) that may be associated. We use Gemini H-2 (2.12 mu m) and K (2.2 mu m) images, as well as Atacama Pathfinder EXperiment molecular line observations and Spitzer image archives. Several H-2 knots, linked to the optical chain of knots of HH 137, are identified in the Gemini and Spitzer 4.5 mu m images. New shock excited regions related to the optical knots delineating HH 138 are also reported. In addition, a bright 4.5 mu m 0.09 pc-long arc-shaped structure, roughly located mid-way between HH 137 and HH 138, is found to be associated with two Spitzer Class I/II objects, which are likely to be the exciting stars. These sources are almost coincident with a high-density molecular clump detected in (CO)-C-12(3 - 2), (CO)-C-13(3 - 2), (CO)-O-18(3 - 2), HCO+(3 - 2), and HCN(3 - 2) molecular lines with an local thermodynamic equilibrium (LTE) mass of 36M(circle dot). The (CO)-C-12(3 - 2) emission distribution over the observed region reveals molecular material underlying three molecular outflows. Two of them (outflows 1 and 2) are linked to all optical knots of HH 137 and HH 138 and to the H-2 and 4.5 mu m shock emission knots. In fact, the outflow 2 shows an elongated (CO)-C-12 blue lobe that coincides with all the H-2 knots of HH 137, which end at a terminal H-2 bow shock. We propose a simple scenario that connects the outflows to the dust clumps detected in the region. A third possible outflow is located to the north-east projected towards a secondary weak and cold dust clump.
dc.publisherOxford University Press
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
dc.subjectStars: jets
dc.subjectISM: Herbig
dc.subjectHaro objects
dc.subjectISM: jets and outflows
dc.subjectInfrared: ISM
dc.subjectSubmillimeter: ISM
dc.subjectISM: individual objects: HH 137 (MHO 1629)
dc.subjectHH 138
dc.titleMultifrequency study of HH 137 and HH 138: discovering new knots and molecular outflows with Gemini and APEX
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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