Helminth fauna of the black-necked swan Cygnus melancoryphus (Aves: Anatidae) from Carlos Anwandter Nature Sanctuary, Valdivia, Chile
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Valenzuela, Gaston
Araya, Alejandro
Oyarzun-Ruiz, Pablo
Munoz, Pamela
Parasitological studies in Anseriformes from Chile are scarce, with only 2 studies in the black-necked swan Cygnus melancoryphus Molina, 1792. Thus, the aim of the present survey was to contribute with new parasitic records for this swan. Necropsy was performed in the digestive tract of 46 C. melancoryphus collected at the Carlos Anwandter Nature Sanctuary. All examined birds were parasitized with at least 1 helminth species. The identified species were: Capillaria sp., Epomidiostomum vogelsangi Travassos, 1937, Hymenolepididae gen. sp., Catatropis verrucosa (Frolich, 1789) Odhner, 1905 and Echinostoma revolutum Frolich, 1802 sensu lato. Catatropis verrucosa and E. revolutum 5.1. are new records for C. melancoryphus as well as for the Chilean helminth fauna. The nematodes registered a higher prevalence regarding the other helminths, probably because they have direct life cycles, facilitating their transmission to swans. The isolated cestodes and trematodes require invertebrates, tadpoles or fishes as intermediate hosts. However, C. melancoryphus, being a strictly herbivorous bird, is likely to consume these items accidentally. Finally, additional studies are necessary to assess the impact of these parasites on the health of this threatened swan in Chile.