Survival of Ceriodaphnia dubia (Crustacea, cladocera) exposed to different screens against natural ultraviolet radiation
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Rios, P. De Los
Acevedo, P.
Verdugo, K.
The current increase of penetration of natural ultraviolet radiation (UVR) in southern South America affects water bodies because the UVR can penetrate the water column. In this scenario, the zooplankton develops photoprotective strategies such as vertical migrations against UVR or synthesis of photoprotective substances. The present study was done using a population of Ceriodaphnia dubia. that was collected from small shallow wetland near Temuco, Chile. The specimens were exposed for 7 to 9 hours to natural ultraviolet radiation, and with different colored nylon as protection against UVR, the experiment was done during the southern summer of 2006. The results revealed that in the presence of protection against UVR provided by colored nylon, the mortality was low, whereas under exposure to UVR and covering by transparent nylon total mortality was observed. The relation between mortality and the dose of UV that can penetrate the different colored nylon is represented by LC50 in UV (280-400 nm) and UVB (280-320 nm), within intensities of 234.82 and 14.96 kJ/m(2), respectively.