Artículo de Revista
Discursive typology of perceived discrimination against mapuches in Chile
Una tipología del discurso de discriminación percibida en mapuches de Chile
Registro en:
Revista Signos, Vol.41, N°67, 279-297, 2008
This paper develops a discourse typology of perceived discrimination against mapuches in Chile. Specifically, this paper focuses on two out of eleven categories: "discriminatory event" and "social representations". The participants are 50 mapuche men and women from Temuco and 50 from Santiago. The findings reveal four types of perceived discrimination: "verbal", expressed by means of name calling, remarks, jokes and taunts; "behavioral", expressed by ignoring, looking and segregating; "institutional", through the application of norms; and "macrosicial", by a lack of interest from central society, cultural dominance and an ethnocentric interpretation of the nation history. On the other hand, the discourse of perceived discrimination, analysed using the method of critical discourse analysis proposed by Merino (2006), is structured on an "argumentative story", with dominance of expressive and declarative speech acts and local semantic strategies, two of which are transferred from the native language into oral Spanish..