Artículo de Revista
Medición post-ejercicio de variables fisiológicas, hematológicas y bioquímicas en equinos de salto holsteiner
Post-exercise measurement of physiological, hematological and biochemical variables in holsteiner jumping horses
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Revista Cientifica de la Facultad de Ciencias Veterinarias de la Universidad del Zulia, Vol. 14, N°3, 244-253, 2004
A post-exercise study was carried out on 10 Holsteiner horses through measurements of physiological, hematological and biochemical variables. Blood samples were obtained at rest and immediately after exercise, every 15 days, during 2 months (day 0 to day 60). The mean and standard deviation were calculated and the two-way analysis of variance and the Tukey test were carried out to determine if there were statistically significant differences between at rest v/s postexercise; resting at the different samplings (day 15 to day 60) v/s resting at day 0 and postexercise at the different samplings (day 15 to day 60) v/s postexercise at day 0, as consequence of training. The heart rate and breathing frequency were significantly smaller (P<0.05) in the postexercise measurement once concluded the period of training v/s the postexercise at the day 0. Likewise, the recovery was significantly faster at day 60 v/s days 0. The packed cell volume (PCV) and the hemoglobin (HB) were significantly greater (P<0.05) at the postexercise of the last sampling (day 60) v/s the postexercise of the first sampling (day 0). The total proteins, blood glucose and the aspartateaminotransferase did not show statistically significant changes. The plasma activity of creatinkinase increased after the exercise was performed v/s resting. This increase was only statistically significative (P<0.05), at the beginning of the study period (day 0). Later on, the activity of this enzyme diminished significantly (P<0.05). It can be concluded that the training produced a physiological adaptation that translated into a decrease of the heart and breathing frequency, an increase of the PCV and HB and finally, a decrease of the plasma activity of the enzymes related to muscular damage.