Data: Inventory of trees in five fragments of temperate evergreen forest located on the eastern slope of Chile's coastal mountain range
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DATA IN BRIEF,Vol.30,,2020
Pincheira Ulbrich, Jimmy
Rau, Jaime R.
Smith Ramirez, Cecilia
The data set comes from a tree inventory conducted in an evergreen forest fragment (dominated by Laureliopsis philippiana and Eucryphia cordifolia) and four fragments dominated by Nothofagus obliqua. The forests are located in an agro-forestry matrix landscape of the Coastal Mountain Range of the Chilean Lake District. The data collection was carried out using line transect sampling, which was traced through the core of each fragment oriented towards its longest axis. Data provide taxonomic identity, diameter at breast height (DBP), overstory canopy cover, condition (e.g. live or snag), some height samples, and the estimate of the vertical stratification (e.g. canopy or understory) of 462 trees belonging to 19 species. The data also shows a record of 50 woody debris. The geographical location of each forest fragments is also included. Inventories are fundamental for knowledge of species diversity and provide the foundation for more complex analytical studies, such as the distribution of plant assemblages in the landscape; determine the conservation status of species, and research into biogeographical or macroecological areas of interest. (C) 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc.