Pest risk assessment of the importation into the United States of unprocessed Pinus and Abies logs from Mexico
Tkacz, B.M.
Burdsall Jr., H.H.
DeNitto, G.A.
Eglitis, Andris
Hanson, J.B.
Kliejunas, J.T.
O'Brien, J.G.
Smith, E.L.
Wallner, W.E.
116 páginas The unmitigated pest risk potential for the importation of Pinus and Abies logs from all states of Mexico into the United States was assessed by estimating the probability and consequences of establishment of representative insects and pathogens of concern. Twenty-two individual pest risk assessments were prepared for Pinus logs, twelve dealing with insects and ten with pathogens. Six individual assessments were prepared for Abies logs. The selected organisms were representative examples of insects and pathogens found on the bark, in the bark, and in the wood of Pinus or Abies logs. Among the insects and pathogens assessed for Mexican pines, eight (Dendroctonus mexicanus, Coptotermes crassus, Pterophylla beltrani, Ips bonanseai, Gnathotrichus perniciosus, Gnathotrichus nitidifrons, Fusarium subglutinans f. sp. pini, and Ophiostoma spp.) were rated a high risk potential. A moderate pest risk potential was assigned to nine other organisms or groups of organisms including Pineus spp., Lophocampa alternata, Hylesia frigida, Hypoderma spp., Lophodermella spp., Synanthedon cardinalis, Heterobasidion annosum, Sphaeropsis sapinea, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, Cronartium spp., and Peridermium spp. The pests of concern with a moderate or high pest risk potential for Abies logs include Lophocampa alternata, Scolytus mundus, S. aztecus, Pseudohylesinus variegatus, P. magnus, Ophiostoma abietinum, and Heterobasidion annosum. For those organisms of concern that are associated with Mexican Pinus and Abies logs, specific phytosanitary measures may be required to ensure the quarantine safety of proposed importations.