dc.description | Contiene: Choices and decisions: Choices without prices without apologies / Benefits, costs, and the safe minimum standard of conservation / The environment property right issues / Zoning and the urban environment / Public policies for land concervation / Considering the future: Intergenerational choices under global environmental change / Neoclassical economic growth theory and "Sustainability" / Measuring sustainable development / Nonrenewable resources supply: theory and practice / Empirical consequences of the Hotelling principle / Recycling programs / Environmental quality : Nonconvexities and the Theory of External Costs / A bargaining framework for the global commons / Transferable discharge permits and the global warming / Trade, pollution and environmental protection / Environmental Stocks and Flows: Optimal timber management policies / Bioeconomic models of the fishery / Management regimes in ocean fisheries / Privatizing open access fisheries: individual transferable quotas / Regulation, imperfect markets, and transaction costs: the elusive quest for efficiency in water allocation / Issues in the conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater / Mineral policy / The valuacion Problem : Valuation of environmental quality under certainty / Environmental valuation under uncertainty / Quasi-option value / Evaluating changes in risk and risk perceptions by revealed preference / Contigent valuation / Travel cost models / Hedonic pricing methods | |