dc.creatorVejarano, Paula Andrea
dc.creatorSierra, Nicolás
dc.creatorLovera, Laura Valentina
dc.creatorHernández, Daniel Felipe
dc.creatorSánchez, Dayana
dc.creatorAragón, Natalia Jazmín
dc.creatorAguilar, Camila Alejandra
dc.creatorPrieto, Paula Andrea
dc.creatorQuijano Blanco, Yobany
dc.creatorRojas, Camilo
dc.creatorRizo, Víctor Zein
dc.identifierVejarano, P. A., Sierra, N., Lovera, L. V., Hernández, D. F., Sánchez, D., Aragón, N. J., . . . Rizo, V. Z. (2019). Anatomical variations of the origin of the labyrinthine artery in a brains sample in colombia. [Variaciones anatómicas del origen de la arteria laberíntica en una muestra de encéfalos en Colombia] Revista Facultad De Medicina, 67(2), 221-224. doi:10.15446/revfacmed.v67n2.68112
dc.description.abstractLa arteria laberíntica transcurre a través del meato acústico interno hasta llegar al oído interno, aportando allí su irrigación. Se han descrito dos posibles variantes anatómicas de su origen: como rama directa de la arteria basilar o como rama de la arteria cerebelosa anteroinferior.
dc.description.abstractIntroduction: The labyrinthine artery runs through the internal auditory meatus until the inner ear, providing irrigation. Two possible anatomical variants of its origin have been described: As a direct branch of the basilar artery or as a branch of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery. Objective: To identify the prevalence of labyrinthine artery origin. Materials and methods: A descriptive analytical study on the origin of the labyrinthine artery was carried out using quantitative methods in a sample of 29 brains obtained by convenience sampling. Results: It was established that the labyrinthine artery originated from the basilar artery in 22 (75.9%) brains; in the remaining 7 (24.1%), it emerged as a branch of the anterior inferior cerebellar artery. Conclusion: The origin of the labyrinthine artery in the selected sample has a higher prevalence in the basilar artery than in the anterior inferior cerebellar artery, finding that resembles some investigations contrasted with this study.
dc.relationRevista Facultad de Medicina;Vol.67, No.2, 2019 páginas 221-224
dc.rightsAtribución-CompartirIgual 4.0 Internacional (CC BY-SA 4.0)
dc.rightsDerechos Reservados - Universidad de Ciencias Aplicadas y Ambientales
dc.titleAnatomical variations of the origin of the labyrinthine artery in a brains sample in colombia
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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