Estilos de liderazgo y riesgos psicosociales en el área administrativa de una compañía de financiamiento
Morales Velandia, Yhaffer Andres
Leadership is one of the soft skills required by boss-leader to appropriately manage the organizations' human capital and psychosocial risk factors as variables that need to be known and controlled in order to ensure that the teams they lead are productive, have high levels of performances and achieve competitiveness. The purpose of this study was to describe the leadership styles and the psychosocial risk factors perceived by the employees of their managers in the administrative area of a financial company. Furthermore, if they have significant relationships within the organization was observed. The multifactorial leadership questionnaire (MLQ) designed by Bass & Avolio (2004) and the psychosocial risk factors questionnaire of Espinosa & Romero (2002) were applied. According to the results, we found a more significant presence of transformational leadership in the organization. The task and the organization were the psychosocial risk sources most reported by the participants. In general, there was a low presence of psychological risks in the firm. we presented conclusions and recommendations.