Más allá del metal : la vida de un fisiculturista novato como experimento etnográfico
Fernández Blandón, Camilo Andres
For three years, a bodily, nutritional, social and even spiritual submission was the main input for an ethnographic experiment whose purpose was not only to understand how a practice can dissolve classic dichotomies, but also, as an experiment can reveal new ways of doing investigation. Throughout this work, bodybuilding is a way and an end in itself, since it functioned as a vehicle to understand very particular phenomena and, at the same time, it was an extremely adherent and revealing practice.
A variety of topics around the practice were worked on, such as nutrition, the materiality of the same and the pharmacological mediation that caused such a stir. On the other hand, we also worked on the possibility of using the researcher as an object of research, leaving his body in the field as part of the experiment itself. Thus, this work has a double reflection, a theoretical one that asks about dichotomies as soul and body, and another, totally methodological that questions the methodological hegemony of anthropology and social studies.