El problema del contrabando y sus efectos : misión empresarial a Panamá
Camelo Vargas, David Santiago
Valderrama Marín, Leidy Tatiana
This document seeks to analyze the issue of smuggling focused on the Zona Libre de Colón of Panama, as it is one of the main access routes for inputs and products in Latin America to function as a logistics HUB and have a commercial relationship with about 165 countries. Initially, a field investigation was conducted on the Panama Canal, ports and the Zona Libre de Colón, and there, through observation, relevant information was found, which allowed for a detailed analysis of contraband and some of the associated processes that seek mitigate this problem. Subsequently, a literary foundation was found based on the definitions of this scourge and the way it is conceived by some authors; as well as the consequences and economic and social impacts of this problem at a national level and with visualization through Colombian statistics based on a difficulty in finding information about the subject of study. Additionally, an investigation was used through official and unofficial sites to collect more information on international trade in the Zona Libre de Colón. Finally, some conclusions were found that allowed us to analyze the current situation in the smuggling issues that the country has, to subsequently make some recommendations that, if applied, contribute to mitigate this serious problem in the different areas of goods access and exit. It is important to emphasize, as we will see in this work, that the Zona Libre de Colón works as an intermediary for the economic development of the countries by facilitating the purchase and sale of products functioning as an exhibition case, giving in turn four (4) modalities to carry out transactions within this commercial area.