dc.contributor | Esguerra, Gustavo A. | |
dc.creator | Baleta Novoa, Gustavo Rodolfo | |
dc.date.accessioned | 2019-04-08T19:48:20Z | |
dc.date.available | 2019-04-08T19:48:20Z | |
dc.date.created | 2019-04-08T19:48:20Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2019 | |
dc.identifier | http://repository.urosario.edu.co/handle/10336/19379 | |
dc.identifier | https://doi.org/10.48713/10336_19379 | |
dc.description.abstract | This study was done exploratory character, in order to identify relationships with the relations between organizational justice and commitment in the context of Cerrejón in Colombia. Both the notion of Organizational justice, and the notion of commitment, have a series of dimensions that have been characterized, and their operation is operationalized by existing instruments and widely used. This study was proposed, through a statistical analysis of multiple correspondences, to identify the relationships that exist between the dimensions of organizational justice and the dimensions linked to commitment. To this end, the study will cover 193 employees of different hierarchical levels - mining superintendency, and central haulage of the production department of Cerrejón - as a sample, through a non-probabilistic sampling for convenience. On the contrary, informative justice is the one that presents a higher correlation, in relation to the variables of engagement, since it oscillates between 0.73 and 0.76, which allows us to interpret that, there is a perception that decisions in the company are expressed to from rational, clear and accurate explanations by supervisors, and this correlates positively with vigor, dedication and absorption. | |
dc.language | spa | |
dc.publisher | Universidad del Rosario | |
dc.publisher | Maestría en Dirección | |
dc.publisher | Escuela de Administración | |
dc.rights | http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/2.5/co/ | |
dc.rights | info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess | |
dc.rights | Abierto (Texto Completo) | |
dc.rights | EL AUTOR, manifiesta que la obra objeto de la presente autorización es original y la realizó sin violar o usurpar derechos de autor de terceros, por lo tanto la obra es de exclusiva autoría y tiene la titularidad sobre la misma.
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POLITICA DE TRATAMIENTO DE DATOS PERSONALES. Declaro que autorizo previa y de forma informada el tratamiento de mis datos personales por parte de LA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ROSARIO para fines académicos y en aplicación de convenios con terceros o servicios conexos con actividades propias de la academia, con estricto cumplimiento de los principios de ley. Para el correcto ejercicio de mi derecho de habeas data cuento con la cuenta de correo habeasdata@urosario.edu.co, donde previa identificación podré solicitar la consulta, corrección y supresión de mis datos. | |
dc.rights | Atribución-NoComercial-SinDerivadas 2.5 Colombia | |
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dc.source | instname:Universidad del Rosario | |
dc.source | reponame:Repositorio Institucional EdocUR | |
dc.subject | Justicia Organizacional | |
dc.subject | Engagement | |
dc.title | Justicia organizacional y engagement en el área de producción zona Centro en Complejo de Cerrejón | |
dc.type | masterThesis | |