Condiciones de seguridad y salud en el trabajo en un grupo de mujeres que laboran en la Subred Integrada de Servicios de Salud Sur Occidente E.S.E., en la ciudad de Bogotá D.C.
Arias Barbosa, Luis Eduardo
Muñoz Murcia, Deicy Amelia
This study focuses on women as the main subject, as it is the one with the greatest participation in health workers, as well as being the center of family dynamics, and in many cases the person responsible for the care and care of children. as of domestic work. As their reality is the result of these multiple interactions which leave imprints that eventually affect their physical and mental health. Objective: To describe the safety and health at work conditions of a group of women who work in a public hospital at the III level, based on the perception of the workers themselves and their employers. Method: a cross-sectional study, which included a sample of 145 women with an indefinite-term employment contract, the information was collected through an interview, applying the questionnaires for workers and for the employer in the workplace, used in the II National Survey of Conditions of Occupational Safety and Health in the General System of Occupational Risks of Colombia (2013). Results: in the general classification of safety and health conditions at work, grades between 13.92 and 68.28 were found with an average of 42.35 and with a standard deviation of 9.58 (95% CI 40.78 to 43.92). Regarding self-perceived health, 29.7% (n = 43) considered their health status regular and poor.