dc.contributorFacultad de Educación
dc.contributorDepartamento de Pedagogía en Inglés como Idioma Extranjero
dc.contributorCarrera de Pedagogía en Inglés
dc.creatorSepúlveda Sáez, Natalia
dc.descriptionTesis para optar al grado de Profesora en Inglés
dc.descriptionVersión impresa disponible en la Biblioteca Universidad Alberto Hurtado
dc.descriptionThis action research study investigated the potential effectiveness of backward design implementation in a context centred on a textbook-based approach to teaching young learners. The backward design educational planning approach, as designed by Wiggins and McThighe (2005) was employed for this action research. The study was conducted in a private school, located in the Piedra Roja area in Colina, Chile with a class of 29 girls in level 4 of elementary school. Data was collected via small-group interactions with students, lesson plans, students’ written work, teacher interviews, and whole-class observations. The research began with the evaluation of the new foreign language textbook and the design of lesson plans which followed the key elements of backward design. After the first semester of the school-year in Chile, March –July, more consistency was exercised in designing the lesson plans and assessment tasks. Teacher interviews were conducted in regards to lesson planning and the use of the textbook in the English class. Participant and non-participant observations were conducted to evaluate if students’ learning processes were enhanced and more visible in both fourth-grade classes. The analysis of the data sources showed that the class responded relatively in a positive manner to the changes implemented. This was visible in their participation and work in both oral activities and written tasks. The results also indicated that the planning model was useful for developing strong and well-structured lesson plans. This planning design seemed to impact the learning of students for they were more active, motivated and participative in class. Nevertheless, the study also identified some difficulties concerning the mind-shift needed to modify pre-existing pedagogical practices, as well as the time needed to fulfill this approach in a demanding school context. Further research could include the intervention and implementation of backward design in varied levels and a higher number of teachers and students participating in the intervention.
dc.format75 h.
dc.publisherUniversidad Alberto Hurtado
dc.subjectInglés -- Enseñanza -- Hablantes extranjeros -- Metodología
dc.subjectEscritura académica -- Enseñanza
dc.titleLet us move forward going backward in TEFL: Potential effectiveness of backward design implementation in teaching english in an elementary classrom

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