dc.contributorPáez Ubilla, Alicia
dc.contributorFacultad de Educación
dc.contributorEscuela de Educación
dc.creatorOlguín Villegas, Karin Letizia
dc.descriptionArtículo para optar al grado de Licenciada en Educación
dc.descriptionThe objective of this article is to promote the concept of “language ego” and “foreign language anxiety” and its importance in the development of productive skills as well as in teacher-student interaction. Some authors have already stablished teacher-student interaction as a fundamental element in language learning and teaching (Brown, 2011; Scrivener, 2005;Wubbels, T. et al., 2006)but how this can be fought in a vulnerable teaching-learning context, that is the question. This article attempts to show an experience of this sort. It also promotes the integration of the four skills with an emphasis on productive skills in an EFL context as our Chilean classrooms. This experience came from the implementation of a pedagogical unit to a 9thgrade which had English lessons in the English room of their subsidised school –equipped with sound system, Internet access, a projector, among other elements –but despite having all this, their language learning did not reflect it.
dc.format17 p.
dc.publisherUniversidad Alberto Hurtado
dc.subjectProductive skills
dc.subjectPair work
dc.subjectLanguage ego
dc.titleDevelopment of Productive Skills and Language ego through pair work and teacher-student interaction
dc.typeArtículos de revistas

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