dc.creatorLa Cruz, Nikita L.
dc.creatorSimon, Adam C.
dc.creatorWolf, Aaron S.
dc.creatorReich Morales, Martín
dc.creatorBarra, Fernando
dc.creatorGagnon, Joel E.
dc.description.abstractApatite grains from the Los Colorados iron oxide–apatite (IOA) deposit, the largest IOA deposit in the Chilean Iron Belt (CIB), exhibit significant intracrystalline spatial variability with respect to the concentrations of F, Cl, and OH and trace elements. Statistical interrogation of the compositional data indicates that individual apatite grains contain spatially discrete F-rich and Cl-rich domains. The chemical composition of the F-rich domains is consistent with apatite growth from silicate melts, whereas the chemical composition of the Cl-rich domains is consistent with apatite growth from a magmatic-hydrothermal fluid that cooled as it percolated outward from the Los Colorados fault—the structural control for emplacement of the ore body—into the surrounding brecciated diorite and andesite host rocks. Apatite in the deposit is intimately intergrown with magnetite and actinolite for which trace element, Fe, H, and O sta
dc.publisherSpringer Verlag
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceMineralium Deposita
dc.subjectApatite geochemistry
dc.subjectChilean Iron Belt
dc.subjectIron oxide–apatite deposit
dc.subjectLos Colorados IOA
dc.titleThe geochemistry of apatite from the Los Colorados iron oxide–apatite deposit, Chile: implications for ore genesis
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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