dc.creatorFariña, R.
dc.creatorMoreno, E.
dc.creatorLolas, J.
dc.creatorSilva, F.
dc.creatorMartínez, B.
dc.identifierInternational Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Volumen 48, Issue 7, 2019, Pages 941-951
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study was to evaluate volumetric and dentoskeletal changes in 21 patients with active unilateral condylar hyperplasia (AUCH) after proportional condylectomy. A split-mouth design was used: control group healthy joints (HS, healthy side) and test group affected joints (AS, affected side) (21 per group). Cone beam tomography scans were obtained at T0 (preoperative), T1 (10 days after the intervention), and T2 (approximately 12 months post-surgery). The condylar unit volume (CUV), articular cavity volume (ACV), and dentoalveolar units (DAUs) were measured. CUV showed a difference of 1.12 cm3 between T0 and T1, increasing 0.4 cm3 between T1 and T2 on AS. There was no difference between T0 and T2 on HS. ACV increased 0.65 cm3 between T0 and T1 on AS, after which it decreased by 0.36 cm3 at T2 (0.30 cm3 larger than the initial articular cavity at T0). ACV showed no post-surgery differences on HS. Midline D
dc.publisherChurchill Livingstone
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceInternational Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
dc.subjectclass III asymmetry
dc.subjectcondylar hyperplasia
dc.subjectfacial asymmetry
dc.subjectfacial asymmetry
dc.subjecthemimandibular elongation
dc.subjecthemimandibular hypertrophy
dc.subjectlow condylectomy
dc.subjectmandibular condyle
dc.subjectproportional condylectomy
dc.subjecttemporomandibular joint
dc.titleThree-dimensional skeletal changes after early proportional condylectomy for condylar hyperplasia
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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