dc.creatorFuentes-Ocampo, Francisco
dc.creatorLópez-Mora, Diego Alfonso
dc.creatorFlotats, Albert
dc.creatorPaillahueque, Gabriela
dc.creatorCamacho, Valle
dc.creatorDuch, Joan
dc.creatorFernández, Alejandro
dc.creatorDomènech, Anna
dc.creatorEstorch, Montserrat
dc.creatorCarrió, Ignasi
dc.description.abstract© 2019, The Author(s).Purpose: The purpose of this study was to assess whether digital photon counting technology in digital PET/CT influences the quantification of SUVmax in target lesions and regions of reference compared to analog PET/CT before an interchangeable use of either system in follow up studies. Methods: From January to June of 2018, 100 oncological patients underwent successive PET/CT imaging with digital and analog systems in the same day. Fifty-eight patients underwent analog imaging first and digital imaging thereafter, and 42 patients the other way round. SUVmax was measured in reference regions (liver and mediastinal blood pool) and in the most metabolically active target lesion in each patient. According to the sequence order of PET/CT acquisition, two groups of SUVmax values were obtained, i.e. group 1: analog PET/CT performed first; group 2: digital PET/CT performed first. Results: Mean SUVmax in the total sample (regardless of the order of PET/CT acquisition) in
dc.publisherSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceEuropean Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging
dc.subjectAnalog PET/CT
dc.subjectDigital PET/CT
dc.subjectIntra-subject comparison
dc.titleDigital vs. analog PET/CT: intra-subject comparison of the SUVmax in target lesions and reference regions
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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