dc.creatorYusoff, Binyamin
dc.creatorMerigó Lindahl, José
dc.creatorCeballos, David
dc.creatorPeláez, José I.
dc.identifierInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems, 2018 ; 33:1929–1948.
dc.description.abstractThis paper focuses on the aggregation operations inthe group decision-making model based on the conceptof majority opinion. The weighted-selective aggregatedmajority-OWA (WSAM-OWA) operator is proposed as anextension of the SAM-OWA operator, where the reliabil-ity of information sources is considered in the formulation.The WSAM-OWA operator is generalized to the quanti-fied WSAM-OWA operator by including the concept of lin-guistic quantifier, mainly for the group fusion strategy. TheQWSAM-IOWA operator, with an ordering step, is intro-duced to the individual fusion strategy. The proposed aggre-gation operators are then implemented for the case of alter-native scheme of heterogeneous group decision analysis.The heterogeneous group includes the consensus of expertswith respect to each specific criterion. The exhaustive mul-ticriteria group decision-making model under the linguisticdomain, which consists of two-stage aggregation processes,is developed in order to fuse the experts’ judgments and toaggregate the criteria. The model provides greater flexibil-ity when analyzing the decision alternatives with a toler-ance that considers the majority of experts and the attitudi-nal character of experts. A selection of investment problemis given to demonstrate the applicability of the developedmodel.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceInternational Journal of Intelligent Systems
dc.subjectGroup decision making
dc.subjectInduced aggregation operators
dc.subjectLinguistic information
dc.subjectOWA operator
dc.titleWeighted-selective aggregated majority-OWA operator and its application in linguistic group decision making
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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