dc.creatorSanzana, Pedro
dc.creatorVillaroel, Sergio
dc.creatorBraud, Isabelle
dc.creatorHitschfeld, Nancy
dc.creatorGironas, Jorge
dc.creatorBranger, Flora
dc.creatorRodríguez, Fabrice
dc.creatorVargas Mesa, Ximena
dc.creatorGómez, Tomás
dc.identifierQGIS and Applications in Water and Risks, pp.145-184, February 2018
dc.description.abstractThis chapter presents a module implemented in QGIS, belonging to the GEO-PUMMA toolbox. This plugin allows a triangulation of surface elements with a vectorial format, and thus the segmentation of a mesh composed of heterogeneous polygons. This module allows the generation of vectorial meshes for the representation of urban and peri-urban landscapes with a high resolution, whereas classical tools do not provide a realistic solution for the determination of drainage networks in complex landscapes, highly modified by the human activity, with in particular road networks and sewer networks. The chapter describes the basic concepts needed to understand the generation of an irregular mesh in Hydrological Response Units (HRUs). It also presents the implementation of the TriangleQGIS and its installation in Windows, as well as the options to use it and the final result on the mesh of the Mercier catchment, a subcatchment of the Yzeron catchment, located in the suburbs of Lyon, France.
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourceQGIS and Applications in Water and Risks
dc.subjectDrainage networks
dc.subjectGEO-PUMMA toolbox
dc.subjectHydrological Response Units
dc.subjectPeri-urban landscapes
dc.subjectRoad networks
dc.subjectSewer networks
dc.subjectTriangleQGIS plugin
dc.subjectUrban landscapes
dc.subjectVectorial meshes
dc.titleRepresentation of the Drainage Network in Urban and Peri-urban Areas Using a 2D Polygonal Mesh Composed of Pseudo-convex Elements
dc.typeCapítulo de libro

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