dc.description.abstract | The commercial importance of brown seaweed hasbeen increasing over the past decade, especially due to industriesinterestedintheextractionofphycocolloidsand,morerecently,ofpolyphenol compounds such as phlorotannins. The objective ofthis work was to optimize the extraction conditions of carbohy-drates and phlorotannins fromMacrocystis pyrifera,evaluatedenzymatic pretreatment and different parameters of extractionusing design of experiment. The optimal conditions upon extrac-tion of the carbohydrates and phlorotannins were determined bymeans of a pretreatment protocol taking advantage on a carbohy-drate active enzyme, followed by an alkaline hydrolysis with0.5 N NaOH at 100 °C, 180 min, and S/L ratio of 1/20. In orderto extract the carbohydrates, the best conditions found for thepretreatment procedure were 37 °C, pH 7.0 for 24 h, and a S/Lratioof1/10,givinganextractionyield(EY)of89.67±12.3wt.%.In turn, for the extraction of phlorotannins, the best conditionsidentified in terms of the pretreatment were 25 °C, pH 7.0 for36 h, and a S/L ratio of 1/20, thus giving a yield (EY) of2.14 ± 0.25 wt.%. Statistical analysis of both processes revealeda maximum EYof 91.24 wt.% for carbohydrates and 3.31 wt.%EY for phlorotannins | |