Capítulo de libro
Development of a methodology for planning and design of microgrids for rural electrification
2017Registration in:
2017 CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies, CHILECON 2017 - Proceedings, Volumen 2017-January,
Jiménez J., Diego
Vives S., María
Jiménez E., Guillermo
Mendoza Araya, Patricio
Rural electrification brings economic and social welfare to communities through benefits such as power supply for medical centers, technology access, household tasks improvement and water quality, among others. However, due to low population density and low electricity demand, the cost of extending an existing grid to an isolated community can be very high, in comparison to a microgrid electrification scheme. This article presents a methodology for planning and designing a microgrid for rural electrification of remote off-grid locations. This methodology prioritizes the quality of life improvements of its inhabitants taking into account different variables such as: location, renewable energy resources availability, equipment prices, initial budget, operation and maintenance costs and equipment replacement costs.