dc.creatorPradenas Márquez, Bastián
dc.creatorAraya, Isidora
dc.creatorClerc Gavilán, Marcel
dc.creatorFalcón Beas, Claudio
dc.creatorGandhi, Punit
dc.creatorKnobloch, Edgar
dc.identifierPhysical Review Fluids, Volumen 2, Issue 6, 2017
dc.description.abstractWe report on an experimental, theoretical, and numerical study of slanted snaking of spatially localized parametrically excited waves on the surface of a water-surfactant mixture in a Hele-Shaw cell. We demonstrate experimentally the presence of a hysteretic transition to spatially extended parametrically excited surface waves when the acceleration amplitude is varied, as well as the presence of spatially localized waves exhibiting slanted snaking. The latter extend outside the hysteresis loop. We attribute this behavior to the presence of a conserved quantity, the liquid volume trapped within the meniscus, and introduce a universal model based on symmetry arguments, which couples the wave amplitude with such a conserved quantity. The model captures both the observed slanted snaking and the presence of localized waves outside the hysteresis loop, as demonstrated by numerical integration of the model equations.
dc.publisherAmerican Physical Society
dc.rightsAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Chile
dc.sourcePhysical Review Fluids
dc.subjectComputational Mechanics
dc.subjectModeling and Simulation
dc.subjectFluid Flow and Transfer Processes
dc.titleSlanted snaking of localized Faraday waves
dc.typeArtículo de revista

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