Dominant Interests in the Personality of Industrial Design Students within Their Educational Practice
UAEM The purpose of this paper is the study of the dominant interests of personality in Industrial Design students at the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. A scale developed by Allport, Vernon, and Lindzey entitled Study of Values. A scale for measuring the dominant interests of personality was used. This scale was applied to a sample of 152 students including men and women of different semesters of the degree enrolled in the first 2015 term. The proven assumption is that the dominant values are the economical, as well as the theoretical one. A striking finding is that the reasons associated with religious, social and political values are the least met. The main objective of this paper is to present a personality analysis of students from the Industrial Design degree of the School of Architecture and Design of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico. There are several approaches within the psychology for personality studies, where we will consider psychodynamic theory, cognitive theory, behavioural theory, social learning theory, information processing theory and trait theory (Pervin, 1984). Trait theory was chosen for this study as proposed by Allport, using the instrument designed by him: Study of Values. A scale for measuring the dominant interests in personality. Regarding psychology personality, the main focus of its study relies in the fact that it intends to explain how a personality is presented to the world, the way people conduct themselves according to their actual context. There is a relationship between person and personality, although many times in ordinary language they are considered as synonyms even though they are not: the notion of person refers to freedom, rationale and the decision-making ability of each individual, on which the term pointed out by Boecio in the philosophical context, has been the most widely influential. It defines a person as naturae rationalis individua substantia, that is, qualities that provide identity to each individual. A person is someone who is self-conscious, free to act, and different to the rest. The notion of personality is studied throughout psychology which also defines, describes and studies its dynamics, as well as analyzing its development. Etymologically speaking, personality comes from the Greek prosopon and from the Latin of the word personae which means to sound through, and that deals with the role that each actor performs in a play; therefore, person is a synonym of character. Cloninger (2003) defines personality as the inner causes that underlie individual behavior, and the person’s experience is defined as that which differentiates one person from another and is manifested in each individual’s development. Palaino, on the other hand, says that personality can be understood as the set of accessibilities, qualities and personal characteristics allowing a person to be recognized as he is.