dc.creatorGallardo-López, Lizbeth;#0000-0002-9254-8115
dc.creatorGonzález-Beltrán, Beatriz A.;#0000-0002-1718-9060
dc.creatorGarcía Madrid, Roberto Adrián;#0000-0001-7575-1085
dc.creatorFerruzca-Navarro, Marco Vinicio;#0000-0003-2415-586X
dc.creatorZafra-Ballinas, Irma Alejandra
dc.creatorReyez-Ortíz, José A.
dc.creatorGallardo-López, Lizbeth
dc.creatorGónzalez-Beltrán, Beatriz A.
dc.creatorGarcía-Madrid, Roberto
dc.creatorFerruzca-Navarro, Marco Vinicio
dc.creatorZafra-Ballinas, Irma Alejandra
dc.creatorReyez-Ortíz, José A.
dc.identifierGallardo, L., González, B., García, R., Ferruzca, M., Zafra, A., & Reyes, J. (2015). Collaborative working: understanding mobile applications requirements. DOI 10.1109/CSCI.2015.86
dc.description.abstractThe Rational Unified Process (RUP) as well as the related work embrace the importance of collaborative working teams during software development; but, user-interface designers and system analysts work in parallel or in sequential mode. However, this kind of relationship may not be effective, resulting on functional software but not meeting usability issues. Our proposal is that in order to understand mobile applications requirements work should be made collaboratively between analysts and user-interface designers through sharing artifacts like use-case scenarios, sketching and mock-up. In this paper, we propose a collaborative work framework to meet mobile applications requirements. Also, we show preliminary results of a case study to assess this approach. Results suggest that the collaborative team got a common understanding about system limits and functional and usability requirements.
dc.publisherIEEE Conference Publications
dc.relation2015 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence (CSCI);
dc.subjectUsability (keyword)
dc.subjectInteraction design (keywords)
dc.subjectRequirements (keyword)
dc.subjectResearch Subject Categories: TECHNOLOGY (keywords)
dc.subjectCollaborative working (keywords)
dc.subjectUsabilidad (palabra clave)
dc.subjectDiseño de interacción
dc.subjectTrabajo colaborativo (palabras clave)
dc.titleCollaborative working: understanding mobile applications requirements

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