Graph Mining under Linguistic Constraints for Exploring Large Texts
2013-06-07Registro en:
Revista Computación y Sistemas; Vol. 17 No.2
Quiniou, Solen
Cellier, Peggy
Charnois, Thierry
Legallois, Dominique
Abstract. In this paper, we propose an approach to
explore large texts by highlighting coherent sub-parts.
The exploration method relies on a graph representation
of the text according to Hoey’s linguistic model which
allows the selection and the binding of adjacent and
non-adjacent sentences. The main contribution of our
work consists in proposing a method based on both
Hoey’s linguistic model and a special graph mining
technique, called CoHoP mining, to extract coherent
sub-parts of the graph representation of the text. We
have conducted some experiments on several English
texts showing the interest of the proposed approach.